Top Benefits Of Your Favorite Mineral Source:  Shilajit - Sea Moss - Coral Calcium

Top Benefits Of Your Favorite Mineral Source: Shilajit - Sea Moss - Coral Calcium

Top Benefits Of Your Favorite Mineral Source: Shilajit - Sea Moss - Coral Calcium

With all of the buzz about Salt, Shilajit, and Sea Moss out there, it can be hard to know which is the best option.  In truth, they are all great, and each provides a different level of support for the body.  The following information is meant as a summary of each.  Additionally, we will touch on the top benefits for Coral Calcium, which may not be social media trendy right now, but certainly deserves recognition.

*For more info about salt click here

Himalayan or Altai Shilajit

  • More than anything, Shilajit acts like a catalyst and promotes better absorption and utilization of all being taken in with it by the body.
  • It can promote the body’s natural regenerative processes, starting in the intestinal tract and working its way into deeper tissues.
  • Shilajit can also help to support the body’s natural cleansing and eliminative processes

Because of the nature of Shilajit, it is not safe for humans to ingest in its raw state.  Companies producing ingestible shilajit perform traditional purification processes which have been refined by modern science to ensure effective and safe products.  Many companies also utilize 3rd party testing to reinforce the quality of their products.


Brown Bladderwrack, Atlantic Brown Kelp, and Sea Moss

  • All sea grasses support the endocrine system overall, but are especially beneficial for the thyroid, parathyroid and pituitary glands.
  • Sea Grasses help to nourish the tissues and promote function of the digestive organs, but especially the liver, pancreas, and intestinal tract.
  • The macro and micro nutrients of sea grasses support healthy inflammatory and immune response of the body, particularly in the tissues of the endocrine and digestive systems.

Sea Grasses are interesting.  It is not uncommon if the body does not need some of the nutrients provided by these plants to experience nauseated sensation and/or discomfort in the head after ingestion.  This herbalist has personally had to cycle on and off regular ingestion of sea grasses for this reason.


Coral Calcium

  • Coral Calcium is a highly bioavailable source of minerals as it is naturally ionic (energetically charged to support absorption), and is already naturally bonded with all of the other trace elements needed by the body to maximize its absorption.
  • It can help to maintain pH balance and/or replenish mineral reserves in bones and teeth.
  • It can also help to discourage cramps and spasms of both voluntary and involuntary muscles.

Even though Coral Calcium is more readily absorbed than other forms of calcium out there, it may still be helpful to take it with Vitamins D-3 and K-2 to optimize its bioavailability.