Overnight Oats are an easy way to incorporate some essential dietary fiber into your day in a delicious and nutritious way. Let's make some together!
To mix up your dry Oats mix, you will need:
The Basics of Fiber
Fiber is an essential part of the human diet, but it is estimated that more than 90% of the American population does not consume enough fiber daily. Fiber is absolutely necessary to the body’s ability to properly digest and absorb nutrients as well as eliminate toxins and waste. There are 2 separate categories of fiber. Both types can assist to add bulk to bowel movements which supports regularity and microbiome balance, and each play separate but equally important roles as well.
Insoluble Fibers act like a trowel in the intestinal tract, “tilling and turning the soil” of the microbiome. It does not swell much when hydrated, and therefore, can contribute to constipation if it is not consumed in balance with soluble fiber and plenty of water. This type of fiber can help to eliminate anything that may be stuck to intestinal walls which may be inhibiting digestion, absorption of nutrients, and the elimination of waste from the body. We are supposed to consume more of this type of fiber, but for those with inflamed or sensitive digestive systems, it may be beneficial to flip the suggested ratios as the body works to repair itself.
Soluble fibers act like a bandaid, buffer, and sponge in the gut. In the small intestines, fiber can assist to slow the absorption of sugars into the bloodstream, support the absorption of healthy fats and promote cholesterol balance, and also aid in the absorption of harder to obtain nutrients like iron and other essential minerals. In the colon, soluble fiber takes on a new role of binding to the toxins and waste matter that the body is trying to eliminate and carries them out of the system. Additionally, soluble fibers typically assist to coat and soothe irritated and damaged tissues along the digestive tract. It leaves behind a “snail trail” which can assist to feed beneficial flora, but also create a temporary patch as the body works to repair itself.