Top 40 Herbs of North America Series - Alfalfa
Welcome to the first Herbally Grounded educational mini series featuring the “Top 40 Herbs of North America,” written by our founder Angela Harris.
My name is Melora, I'm an Herbalist, and I'm obsessed with herbs! Today we will be featuring: Alfalfa Grass
Medicago Sativa, “Father of All Foods” or “King of Plants,” has been consumed by livestock and humans alike for thousands of years. But why? Like many grasses, it is incredibly nutrient dense, almost like a natural, alkaline multivitamin. It is packed with all of the known essential vitamins and minerals a living being could need. It contains all known essential amino acids, and is packed with naturally occurring plant enzymes which can assist to stimulate and supplement digestive secretions when consumed. It is true that humans have difficulty digesting the fiber. Animals can handle the matured grass, but humans can benefit from its nutrients when consuming the young grass. It is usually available in dried cut or powdered form, and sometimes extracted juice powder. In cut, it is best prepared as a tea; in this form a person may only gain the benefits of Alfalfa’s rich mineral content, as
the heat from steeping tea breaks down many of the other nutritive organic compounds. When consumed in its powdered form, the fiber from young Alfalfa grass can help to promote bowel regularity. It also acts as food for beneficial gut bacteria which helps to maintain balance of the body’s microbiome. The powder can be encapsulated, added to smoothies, or creatively added to recipes to incorporate Alfalfa daily. The juice powder can be especially beneficial for someone who may be having difficulty with digestion and the absorption of nutrients.
My favorite way to incorporate Alfalfa Grass daily is with Amazing Greens from Herbally Grounded. Alfalfa is one of the main ingredients along with other super grasses to support overall wellness. Some people like to add this powder to juice or smoothies but I love to drink it in plain water. Occasionally, I’ll add a splash of my favorite Aloe Vera juice for the added benefit or if I’m feeling fancy. What is your favorite way to consume Alfalfa?